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Malawi’s forest resources comprised of both planted and natural forest plantations. The forest reserves act as water catchment areas for some of the countries major rivers. Communities play a major role in managing forest reserves, whose interventions range from tree planting and forest conservation to the promotion of forest based income generating activities such as honey and mush room production.

Dzalanyama Forests

landofsmilesDzalanyama is a beautiful forest reserve in a range of hills about 50km by road south west of Lilongwe. The hill run in a roughly north west to south east line, and their watershed forms the border between Malawi and Mozambique.

Dzalanyama has great significance for many of the people of Malawi who believe that it is the site of creation- the footprints of the very first man are still, they say, to be seen in the rocks where God set him down.
Dzalanyama possesses both planted and natural forest reserves. This is an area of outstanding natural beauty. The forest is ideal for game viewing, hiking, mountain biking or simply enjoying the fresh mountain streams and waterfalls. Dzalanyama forest is ideal for day trips.
Accommodation is available at Dzalanyama Forest Lodge.

Ntchisi Forests

This forest reserve is about 80km north of Lilongwe near the large village of Ntchisi. At the centre of the reserve is Ntchisi mountain which offers splendid view of the surrounding area. The vegetation on the higher slope is mainly evergreen forest.
Activities at the forest reserves include hiking and bird watching. Accommodation can be found at Ntchisi Forest Lodge.

Lunyangwa Forest Reserve

The Lunyangwa forest area is located at about 10 km South East of Mzuzu City Centre. Lunyangwa dam is located within the vicinity of the forest reserve.
The forest area is ideal for hiking and horse trekking trails.
Other forest reserves worth noting include Thuma, Chimaliro.


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